Can Debt Collectors Find Out Where You Work

13 Secrets Debt Collectors Won't Tell You

What you need to know about the sneaky way debt collectors do their job.


They teach us that all debtors are compulsive liars

No matter what you tell us, we're supposed to keep pushing. So we ask, Can you borrow the money from friends and family? Can you take money out of your 401k? Can you pay it with another credit card? All horrible ideas that would make a good financial planner cringe. These are secrets financial advisors won't tell you for free.

Like us or not, we're a vital part of keeping the cash flow going in this country

In 2010, more than 10,000 collection agencies collected over $8 billion. Can you imagine the impact on the economy—and on all the companies that were owed money—if that $8 billion hadn't been collected?

We've heard every tale of woe

We may listen and act sympathetic, but in our notes, all those excuses are summed up as HLS, for "hard-luck story." You're wasting our time, and time is money. But don't let your money woes get you down just yet—these smart tricks will improve your credit score and financial stability.

The more money I get out of you, the bigger my bonus will be

Every month, we watch top performers get bonus checks of $10,000 or more.

A lot of agencies buy debt for pennies on the dollar

Always start your settlement offer low, maybe 25 cents on the dollar. Say something like "I have $200 that I can apply toward this debt. Will you accept that as payment in full?" If I say no, ask what I'm willing to accept as a settlement and negotiate from there.

Always check whether the debt has passed the statute of limitations in your state

See a list at If it has, we can't sue you or put it in your credit report. However, if you make any kind of payment or even acknowledge the debt, that usually starts the clock over.

If you decide to settle, I am trained to "take your application"

In a bored voice, I ask for your cell number, your spouse's work phone, and so on, as if I'm filling out a form. But it's just a way to get the information we need to find you in case the settlement falls through. Check out these financial terms everyone should know by the time they're 40.

We love calling you at work

It's because of the extra pressure it puts on you. If you specifically ask us not to, by law we have to stop, but we're not going to tell you that.

Don't ask for a manager

He or she will not help you. You're better off just calling back and getting another collector on the line.

Many times when we leave a message on your phone, it's just a recording of a made-up person

Our office uses the name Jim Taylor. When you call back and ask for him, we say he's out to lunch and offer to help you instead.

Don't let me threaten to have you arrested, use profanity, or call before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.

If I do, report me to your state attorney general's office ( and the Federal Trade Commission ( Those are violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Next, learn the personal finance tips you were never told (but need to know).

Sources: Fred Williams, who worked as a debt collector for three months to write Fight Back Against Unfair Debt Collection Practices (FT Press, $21.99); Michelle Dunn, former owner of a debt-collection agency and author of The Guide to Getting Paid (Wiley, $24.95); and debt collectors in Florida, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

Originally Published: September 04, 2018

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Can Debt Collectors Find Out Where You Work


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