Will We Ever See Jesse in Supernatural Again

Name Jesse Turner
Actor Gattlin Griffith
Dates March 29, 1998 (born)
Location Omaha, Nebraska (formerly)
Alliance, Nebraska (formerly)
Occupation Antichrist or Cambion
Episode(s) 5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Hereafter


Jesse was conceived and born while his mother, Julia Wright, was possessed past a demon. It should be noted however, that how he was conceived is still unclear as Jesse is apparently unique or at to the lowest degree not easily replicated, and possessions exercise not commonly cause pregnancies. It should also be noted that Jesse, equally the Antichrist or cambion, is non the son of Lucifer. As explained by Castiel, he is simply the spawn of a human and a demon.


Powers and abilities

Every bit the offspring of a demon and homo, Jesse Turner has formidable abilities. Co-ordinate to Castiel, Jesse can destroy the Host of Sky with a single give-and-take.

  • Exorcism – He was able to mentally force his demonic father out of his homo mother with a glare.
  • Telekinesis – Jesse can movement objects and people with his mind.
  • Teleportation – Jesse tin instantly announced anywhere on Earth with but a thought.
  • Terrakinesis – Just past clenching his fists Jesse was able to create modest tremors.
  • Reality warping – Jesse can hands alter reality and warp the fundamentals of logic and what is natural. Without being aware that he was doing it, he acquired the world inside a two-mile radius of his house to fall victim to various childish superstitions because he believed them to exist real, such as a daughter scratching her brains out just past using itching power, the tooth fairy became real because Jesse believed in him, a boy'south face become stuck in a particular expression, and toy buzzers were capable of electrocuting people. During a country of panic, Jesse was able to transform angel Castiel into an action figure.
  • Warding – Jesse is capable of hiding himself from angels, demons and humans unless he wants to exist establish.


  • Demon-killing knife – As a half-human, one-half-demon hybrid, Jesse may have been susceptible to the demon-killing knife every bit Castiel attempted to impale him with it.
  • Lucifer'southward presence – Jesse's powers are derived from Lucifer'south presence on Earth and since he was resealed dorsum into the Muzzle, his powers have likely dwindled greatly. All the same, Lucifer was released from the Muzzle in 11.x The Devil in the Details which implies that his powers have been restored until Lucifer was imprisoned in Apocalypse Earth in 12.23 All Along the Watchtower and eventually killed in xiii.23 Allow the Proficient Times Whorl.


5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future

Afterwards investigating Jesse's history and finding demonic involvement, Dean and Sam Winchester call Castiel in for help. Castiel explains to them that the chaos Jesse has been causing is zip compared to what it could be if he were to get aroused. He and then reveals that equally the Antichrist, Jesse is destined to align with Lucifer and, "with a word," destroy The Host of Heaven. Refusing to allow such a risk, Castiel resolves himself to kill Jesse, with or without the brothers' consent or help. Earlier he could be killed, Jesse instinctively transforms the angel into a action-figure-sized version of himself.

In the moments that follow, Dean and Sam arrive and tell Jesse that he is a superhero and they are going to train him in an X-Men-esque fashion. Julia interrupts while possessed past Jesse's demonic parent; she tells him the brothers are lying and that his whole life has been a lie, which angers him. She promises to show him a earth without lies.

Sam admits to lying to Jesse and promises to tell the truth -- when Julia tries to stop him, Jesse intervenes by releasing Sam and immobilizing her and then he can hear Sam out. Jesse is overwhelmed past the fact he'south half-demon but Sam reminds him that he is still half-human and thus can even so be good. Jesse promptly exorcises the demon from Julia.

Later, Jesse asks the Winchester what he should do and they tell him it'south his selection. He asks to bring his parents with him and they tell him he can but it would put them in danger considering both angels and demons volition exist trying to notice him. He says he's going to say goodbye to his parents but instead writes them a letter and repairs the impairment he acquired around boondocks (except for the dead). He glances at a affiche showing Australia on his wall, and vanishes.


  • Co-ordinate to Kripke, Jesse was inspired by the character of Adam from Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett'due south volume Good Omens.
  • The Antichrist is mentioned in passing in the production draft for 15.13 Destiny's Child, where instead of Brazil, Dean suggests his and Sam's doubles go to Australia.
Dean: Trust me. Where you want to be is Australia. It'southward far away, and nothing but beaches, babes... the anti-Christ. Long story -- forget it.


Source: http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/Jesse_Turner

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